Below is her shorthand memories, the rest of her life laid out in incomplete sentences.
- Principal's paddle, art and voice
- Campfire camp, Tarzan yell
- Polio and surgery
- Depression, John's Market
- Poor Man's Soup
- Multnomah church, Christian camp, Dr. Moore's sermons
- First date Jack, poison oak
- Bethel and note
- Mailing clothes from the green trunk
- Hiking to Council Crest
- Commercial Hi, Roamer's Rest
- Voice and art lessons
- Trip to L.A., Esther Williams
- Deanna Durbin, Jack Benny Show
- Robert Taylor, Coconut Grove
- Manhattan, Laguna Beach
- Edith's wedding, graduation
- Meier & Frank
- Mt. Hood
- Preston first date river, wedding and honeymoon
- Oakland ferry and San Francisco
- Mother Marr and family
- The war, officer's club
- RT Mary and Catholic Church
- Trip to see Freddy, horses
- Mac and accident at B.B.
- Guye, naval supply, Reno
- Doolittle's squadron, home and geese
- Long Beach pike and Holy Rollers
- Roosevelt's death, Steve, Rio Del Mar
- The bird, Steve sailor, Steve lost
- Donna and Ray Bowman
- General Mills promotions
- Palo Alto, Soda Springs
- Elsa family and friends
- Gilbreath, David N. Cain
- Modeling, Shirley Black
- 49th Dance Cotillion
- Stanford, Leslie
- Frieda's breeding, Carolyn, Kelsey customers
- Los Altos, Elisa, Stockton, Denise
- Beach house, move to Aptos, Patty Bump
- Vietnam, divorce, Mexico
- Nutty friends, R. Simpson
- Big and Fat Frank, Emile
- Denise and S.P, Reese
- Ring and clothes, kids clothes
- Mrs. Funny Face (Elaine), Is disappear
- Meeting with Jack, move to Oregon, car overheating
- Landlord at Timberlee, first swimming pool
- Ticket en route Tillamook, jail
- Jack minor accident, going to hospital at 10
- First Hawaii trip, commune
- Horse on B. Beaverton
- Cannon Beach, Leslie, Greg, Denise
- Jack's proposal, marriage certificate
- Hawaii late, Stephen and Elisa, , Feather
- Missing the children at bus stop
- Children and grandchildren carry on their own lives