
Waiting for the next high tide

Musings and phrases scribbled on another piece of paper:

  • boats enjoying the smooth or choppy surfaces
  • gulls going wherever gulls go at night
  • noisy blackbirds in the trees, signaling the last light of day
  • wind grasping and releasing the canvas
  • tide churns and lays a log from distant shores
  • fall leaves curled like a baby's small hand
  • new moon carrying a space in the heavens
  • sea-seasoned driftwood burning forms and faces
  • dying embers pleading for an encore to come
  • dark paper cutout, silhouette of sea pines
  • looking down at our feet in a carpet of blue lupine and California poppies
  • frustrated beached logs waiting for the next high tide
  • the stars twinkling in her eyes, finding her first starfish
  • the sun setting, focusing on the boats on the bay
  • the Nancy O, "Prince," "Fancy Dancer"
  • the little clutch of rowboats Jeanne, Doris, Frank, Betty, named after us cousins
  • ocean turning from blue to green to pewter
  • strings of white lights fingers the wharf
  • palette of bright colored neon along the wharf in snake-like letters
  • late coffee with a dollop of the Irish
  • out of "a Chinese", each mildly bad situation
  • or "go to the sea shore"
  • In sleeping bags until the sun gives promise of warmth